If you are looking for the documentation for the installation helper, please check the official documentation, which can be found on our new documentation website.
We know getting set up in a new project can be hard. For this reason, we have launched a tool called the installation helper, which assists you in each setup step.
It will verify the Platform Client and API for common errors, like not setting up a Database or having no environment variables set up, and report back on what it finds.
Just run `gulp verify` in the directory where you have downloaded the Platform Client code, and `composer verify` in the directory where you downloaded the Platform API code, and you will get a report of different types of issues that can appear on the installation, depending on your set up.
This is an example of the (error) output you may see when running the `gulp verify` command in the Platform Client
This is an example of the (error) output you may see when running `composer verify` in the Platform API
When everything is resolved, we will see this output, instead
If you have any questions about the installation helper, please read the official documentation, which can be found on our new documentation website.
The installation helper is available from Ushahidi Platform version 4.1.0. Depending on whether or not you already have Ushahidi installed, you may need to follow this guide to upgrade to the latest version or follow one of the new setup guides here.