[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Ushahidi Android App 3.0.0 Ushahidi Android App 3.0.0[/caption] For the past couple of months, we have been tirelessly working on version 3.0.0 of the Ushahidi Android app. We have completely rewrote the app from scratch for better organization of the code base and we have added all of the new features that were missing from the iOS version. We have also iterated over the user interface (UI) and made some great improvements.

Major new features and improvements include:

New Map Listings Screen

We have replaced the old dashboard with map listings screen. It will serve as the new dashboard. From this screen you can access the various features of the app. This makes it far easier to navigate through the app and to switch between the different deployments (Maps) that have been saved on the app. This also allows for the same user experience as found on the iOS version.
[caption id="attachment_4512" align="aligncenter" width="267"]Maps Listing Maps Listing Screen[/caption]

Better offline support

Now it is possible to manage offline reports or check-ins. When a report or check-in  submission fails, it is possible to edit, delete or manually push the failed report or check-in to an Ushahidi deployment. This allows you to have control before pushing a failed report or checkin online.
[caption id="attachment_4516" align="aligncenter" width="267"]List Failed Reports List Failed Reports[/caption]

Tablet Support

As Android gets more and more popular on tablet devices, we thought of adding that support before our users start to ask for it. We have gone ahead to add tablet support and now you can have split views when on a tablet device. This makes it far easier to switch between deployments and to view reports or check-ins without having to navigate between screens.
[caption id="attachment_8444" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Tablet Dashboard Tablet Dashboard[/caption]

Media support

As we know, Ushahidi core supports the ability to allow users to attach media content when adding a report. These attached media content can be viewed when viewing a report. The Android app use not to support it but now we have made it possible to view all attached media when viewing a report and as well as the ability to attach media when submitting a report.
[caption id="attachment_4522" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Media Viewing Media Viewing[/caption]


Regarding translations, thanks to everyone who has helped to translate the app for our previous releases. You are all awesome. With this version, we've created new strings and also edited some of the existing strings. If there is anyone interested in translating the new strings, please check this link -- http://goo.gl/sLptf. All of the new strings can be found here. As some of you may know, we have moved over to transifex -- http://www.transifex.net to facilitate the translations effort. You will need to create an account if you do not have one in order to do the translations. We sincerely appreciate all of your effort.

Thank you

As always, we owe much appreciation and thanks to the Ushahidi community --- if it hadn't been for your contributions with all the feedback and bug reports, these huge improvements wouldn't have been possible.


The app is available today on the Android market. You can download it on your phone by clicking on the image on the left or scanning the QR code on the right. Enjoy! [caption id="attachment_4527" align="alignleft" width="150"]Android market Android Market[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignright" width="150"]Ushahidi Android app Download Android app[/caption]