
Donation Campaign Curtain Call - Tanggap COVID-19

Over the past weeks, we have shown you the tip of the iceberg of what our deployers are up to. From Bike Scouts and MapaDelitos taking on natural disasters and crime, respectively, head-on. To Madrid Vecina, who have made sure the elderly are not forgotten and today, our curtain call deployers: Tanggap COVID-19. We are optimistic that these testimonials have inspired you to do what you can, where you can with whomever you can. We all have a part to play in mending and advancing our society.

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Ushahidi Donation Campaign - Madrid Vecina

Madrid Vecina, our deployment of the day, understands that loneliness has less to do with being alone and much more to do with the experience of feeling unseen. And that it is the quality, not quantity, of our relationships that fulfils our need for connectedness. That eliminating loneliness (especially for the elderly) requires a robust social infrastructure. Read up on how they are applying this understanding.

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