[caption id="attachment_11932" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Muir Woods[/caption]
At the Space Apps Challenge this past weekend, Ron Garan of Fragile Oasis talked about his experiences as an astronaut. He gave the call to action for all of us to think about how we can use technology to explore space and protect our planet, our solar system.
On Earth Day, we'd like to give a shout out to everyone who is using maps to tell stories and connect people to actions. These folks are all little social tech startups or volunteers trying to give voice to our planet and communities. Often, they need your support to amplify their missions.
Ushahidi and Environmental maps examples:
I Witness Pollution by the Louisiana Bucket Brigade is one of the longest running Ushahidi maps. It started after the Gulf Oil Spill.
Powercuts.in - Ajay Kumar's protection tracks energy use and power outages.
GAIA: Animal welfare projects - Brad Anthony has tirelessly taught himself Ushahidi to use as part of his larger project.
There are a number of Water protection mappers from Canada, Afghanistan and China.
Agrotestigo helps Argentine farmers share their experiences in the management of pests and diseases in crops.
see more map examples