It's been a couple of weeks since we last saw an Ushahidi Release. But, there’s been a lot happening in the background leading up to today: Today, we roll out Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.17, with lots of new features and changes from the technical team. 3.03-2  Take it out for a spin on our demo site, but keep in mind that this is not ready for production, but we continue to get closer and closer. Log in credentials for the test site are as follows:- username: demo password: testing

What’s New?

  • We’ve made updates to the timeline and graph views:
    • Users can now use created time, updated time, or a custom time field as the time variable on timeline
    • 'Post count by category' graphs only show a single level of categories by default
    • Filters now apply to graph and timeline views too
    • We fixed missing values in timelines. The timeline should now show accurate post counts
    • Get post counts grouped by custom fields values
  • Users can now set an audience when publishing a post. Each post can be published to everyone, or just to specific roles
  • New users can register through the web client, rather than being added by an admin
  • Post lists now allows you to bulk delete posts, and go direct to editing a post
  • New messages auto create an "unstructured" post. Unstructured posts will appear in the posts list. In future admins will be able assign unstructured posts a type, complete required stages and finally publish a post

What’s changed?

  • Frontend
    • We’ve fixed issues with anonymous access and logging out of the client
    • Page titles update with the current page, and site name.
    • Site name is now used in the site header
    • We’ve also fixed and updated map settings and moved these two functions to the tools section
    • Added JSCS style to enforce consistent code style in the client codebase
    • Removed broken workspace sections
    • Removed old translations and set up transifex to auto update with the latest source strings
    • Updated site settings and removed incomplete tools
    • Collections and Saved Searches are now shown in the menu. However viewing the posts in each collection or saved search is still a work in progress.
  • API
    • We’ve created default saved searches on new deployments
    • We’ve added PHP 5.6 support
    • We renamed form groups to form stages in the API
    • We’ve fixed various permissions issues in the API

What’s coming up next?

Here’s a couple of things to expect in the next release:-
  • Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
  • Replacing Twitter Bootstrap styling with the final pattern library styles
  • Adding an editor for post types so you can modify the information collected when creating a post

How Can I help?





We are grateful for you, the Ushahidi community for all your input and feedback! Do feel free to reach out to any of us with questions, comments and concerns. In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements. Happy v3 release day!