Today, we roll out Ushahidi v3.0.0-beta.18, with lots of new features and changes from the technical team. This is a big and exciting release that is the result of months of work on the platform's pattern library and design framework by our design team, multiple rounds of UX testing by our user advocacy team, and implementation into the platform by our development team. We have changed every part of the platform's user interface with this release and look forward to receiving community feedback! 3.03-2 Take it out for a spin on our demo site, but keep in mind that this is not ready for production, but we continue to get closer and closer. Log in credentials for the test site are as follows:- username: demo password: testing

What’s New?

  • Using Platform Pattern Library styles in the client.
We've replaced Twitter Bootstrap styling with Ushahidi Platform's new design system as seen here: This was a major blocker to continuing with new components of the UI. In particular it lets us get on with building the post type editor and the collection and saved search view

What’s changed?

  • Better validation and error messages on forms in the client
  • Fix map loading when clustering is enabled
  • Replace markdown rendering with newer library

What’s coming up next?

  • Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
  • Adding an editor for post types so you can modify the information collected when creating a post

How Can I help?





We are grateful for you, the Ushahidi community for all your input and feedback! Do feel free to reach out to any of us with questions, comments and concerns. In the meantime, stay tuned on our blog, meetup page, twitter, facebook page and wiki for more announcements. Happy v3 release day!